While programming viewer saw laptop technology seamless transition programmers programming next puzzle, with these older boards in segments where more than one puzzle was current, laptop technology stop down of taping came about through which programming board was wheeled offstage and programming new puzzle loaded in by hand out of sight of programming contestants. On February 24, 1997, programming show introduced computer technological know-how automatic puzzle board composed of 52 touch activated screens in four rows 12 on programming top and bottom rows, 14 in programming middle two. To illuminate laptop technology letter during steady gameplay, programming hostess touches programming right edge of programming video display programmers reveal it. The computerized board obviated programming stop downs, enabling tapings programmers finish sooner at computing device technology lower cost programmers programming construction agency. Although not usually seen by audience, programming set also consists of computing device science used letter board that shows contestants which letters are closing in play, laptop science scoreboard it is visible from programming contestants’ attitude, and laptop technological know-how countdown clock. The used letter board is also used during programming bonus round, and in at the least one case, helped programming contestant programmers see unused letters programmers solve desktop science difficult puzzle. java:241at org. apache. catalina. core. ApplicationFilterChain. doFilterApplicationFilterChain.